Waddley Archer


Waddley Archer, Waddley Archer

uncrossed hands pat knees, cross arms and pat knees

Doodley do Doodley do

pat knees, touch nose, (one hand then the other)

Waddley Archer, Waddley Archer

repeat knee patting

Doodley do Doodley do

repeat nose and knee patting

It’s just a simple song hands

flat above knees cross twice and
then change the top hand

and there’s nothing much to it

All you’ve got to do is doodley do it

repeat knee patting and nose touch

I like the rest but the part I like best is

repeat crossed and uncrossed knee patting

Doodley Doodley do

repeat nose and knee patting

Quack, quack

making duck bill with hands and quack